Sunday, December 18, 2011

My easy simple ideal diet regimen

I would like to share my personal thoughts and ideas on nutrition and natural health.
 I really don't wonder how to become a dietitian , because I enjoy working with computers a little more, but I do have a preference for more natural remedies for illness and health.

My upbringing has quite a bit to do with it: my mom also believes in teaching the body how to heal and defend itself. Yes, we did take medication when it was absolutely necessary, but for the most part, me and my family have been more pro-natural remedies like tea, lemon, herbs and correct supplementation.

Every day, I take my multi-vitamin, red krill oil, kelp, vitamin c, glucosamine sulfate and chromium picolinate.  Along with my morning vitamin routine, I make myself an easy alkaline drink (previously discussed on this blog) and take it after my breakfast, usually just some oatmeal with cinnamon and almond milk.
 Throughout the day I drink plenty of water and at night another alkaline drink to settle some ingested acid food I've eaten that day.

I'm against  the flu shot.
Why? because I prefer to teach my body to defend itself and gain more strength against disease by itself.
Did you know the flu shot changes to adapt to every strain of the currently mutated virus?
With the shot, you're actually injected with a strain of these viruses teaching your body to defend itself only to these very narrow selection of viruses.
Viruses mutate too quickly and your body is more exposed to other strains every day.

What I suggest is taking plenty of vitamin C every winter or flu season.
At least the recommended dose or even a little more often when you feel like your health is being compromised.

Other many benefits of vitamin C can be found here.

These are just a few of my personal natural cures and my own personal routine. On the next blog section, I'll be talking about some of my favorite vitamins and minerals for optimum health.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Alkaline Diet

The Alkaline Diet is a eating regimen involving the measurement of  pH levels of the body.

Our body carries different pH levels depending on the foods and drinks we consume throughout the day.
But our modern world is fast and we many times take the quick an easy route: a coffee and muffin for breakfast, chicken sandwich for lunch and a usually hefty dinner to compensate from the lack of need calories. At the end of the day we end up with stored calories form a big dinner and with a very high pH level from all the sugary carbs.

This is how we start experiencing health problems. You see, the more acidic blood circulating in your system can have a even slightly corrosive effect.

Many start feeling symptoms of disease or certain aches: achy joints, fragile bones and even reflux and more reoccurring colds.

This high level of acidity disallows our body to stay on an adequate pH range for optimum health.

So what's the ideal range of acid/alkaline-forming we should be consuming in our daily life?
Most natural health providers and  recommend a 70% alkaline and 30% acid food intake.
That means most of our plate being green vegetables and very few meats and carbs in sight.

These kinds of changes can be done gradually: starting by reducing alcohol and coffee consupmtion as well as bread and sweets intake.

Other ways to reduce acidity in the body is by taking some alkaline solutions 2-3 times a day.
Here's a very good recipe for a quick, easy and non-expensive alkaline drink:

One glass of purified water + one small lime+ one teaspoon of baking soda.
Mix well and drink every morning and before going to bed.

Remember, changes like these need to be gradual. But this is one of the easiest and best diets for your optimum health.

Here's a Link to Download a list of Acid-forming and Alkaline-forming Foods.

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